I-See 論壇 » 舊主題 » [thanks all:)]Here is BBQ&YAN&NI&CHING&SHERRY's home (4)

2007-8-11 04:32 PM Carpi.
Am I reply too fast orz

2007-8-11 04:32 PM CHING=D
[quote]原帖由 [i]AR臭`][/i] 於 2007-8-11 16:28 發表

澄?!!! [/quote]

yes ah :sWh98W1:

2007-8-11 04:32 PM v仔.
[quote]原帖由 [i]Carpi.[/i] 於 2007-8-11 04:30 PM 發表

hi siuV [/quote]

2007-8-11 04:33 PM CHING=D
[quote]原帖由 [i]Carpi.[/i] 於 2007-8-11 16:28 發表

No ah
to see my cousin and aunt
now is raining
how about hk?
Is that raining too? [/quote]


2007-8-11 04:33 PM Carpi.
Oh I need to go to market with my cousin and mum
maybe I will go out later..
Because it is too much rain orz

2007-8-11 04:34 PM Carpi.
[quote]原帖由 [i]SIU_V[/i] 於 2007-8-11 04:32 PM 發表

點稱呼你:spl95Ay: [/quote]

I am pik:sWh98W1:
Haha you seems very like onion:)

2007-8-11 04:35 PM Carpi.
[quote]原帖由 [i]澄.3.[/i] 於 2007-8-11 04:33 PM 發表

我果度冇落 [/quote]

OH chingching where do you live?

2007-8-11 04:36 PM bobbycute
later sin back

2007-8-11 04:37 PM v仔.
[quote]原帖由 [i]Carpi.[/i] 於 2007-8-11 04:34 PM 發表

I am pik:sWh98W1:
Haha you seems very like onion:) [/quote]
pik ..:sXV97cM:

2007-8-11 04:38 PM v仔.
[quote]原帖由 [i]bobbycute[/i] 於 2007-8-11 04:36 PM 發表
later sin back [/quote]

2007-8-11 04:38 PM Carpi.
look world volleryball competition
see you guys later:)

2007-8-11 04:39 PM Carpi.
[quote]原帖由 [i]SIU_V[/i] 於 2007-8-11 04:37 PM 發表

pik ..:sXV97cM:
洋蔥頭好像被遺忘了:s0I769z:個個都用monkey [/quote]

monkey now is very popular:)

2007-8-11 04:40 PM bobbycute
[quote]原帖由 [i]Carpi.[/i] 於 2007-8-11 04:38 PM 發表
look world volleryball competition
see you guys later:) [/quote]
[size=5]碧去yanco個po認ban ar[/size]

2007-8-11 04:40 PM bobbycute
[quote]原帖由 [i]SIU_V[/i] 於 2007-8-11 04:38 PM 發表

bo:sO622E6: [/quote]
hey vi :)

2007-8-11 04:42 PM v仔.
[quote]原帖由 [i]Carpi.[/i] 於 2007-8-11 04:38 PM 發表
look world volleryball competition
see you guys later:) [/quote]

2007-8-11 04:45 PM v仔.
[quote]原帖由 [i]Carpi.[/i] 於 2007-8-11 04:39 PM 發表

monkey now is very popular:)
:sWh98W1: [/quote]
ya..but both of them are so cute la:s6d32uR:

2007-8-11 04:46 PM v仔.
[quote]原帖由 [i]bobbycute[/i] 於 2007-8-11 04:40 PM 發表

hey vi :) [/quote]
遲d到我返mainland china:s9077SP:

2007-8-11 04:51 PM v仔.
食壽司先...later chat!^^

2007-8-11 06:59 PM wsyan.

2007-8-11 10:51 PM ni:)
睡前一推:) .

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