I-See 論壇 » 吹水區 » 香港??英國??

2007-11-20 08:55 PM Elf.

Which will you choose??`


I will choose Honk Kong because I loveHong Kong
Also I am now in UK,,, and I don't think UK is as good as I expect....
I love HONG KONG    ;)

What will you choose???    XD*

2008-6-16 07:13 AM Ting_婷
i live in USA..
and..i love hk =)
but..u will have more pressure in hk though...
i don't know about UK..
i didn't regret coming to US..
i like the way now.
i was born in HK =) and had lived in hk for 13 years ^^
and i 'm happy about that.
then i  came=]

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