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標題: [二手買賣] 放會考pastpaper/exercises & 中一二三四五書!!:D
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Rank: 2

會員編號 204310
精華 0
積分 630
帖子 549
威望 1 點
I-See幣 17966 錢
GAME幣 515 個
MSN宣傳 0 次
性別  女
配偶 未婚
閱讀權限 50
註冊 2006-8-23
註冊天數 6770
狀態 離線
  只顯示 Tiffy_0205 的帖子
發表於 2009-7-4 04:12 PM  資料  短消息  加為好友 
放會考pastpaper/exercises & 中一二三四五書!!:D



New Certificate History theme A questions(with ans.) 85% new $50

100% new CIT MC question book + 2007 CIT CE pastpaper $55

A gegraphy set $80 (95%new)
(Geography Utopia Mock Exam, Mastering CE-level Pratctical Skills in Georaphy, 98~04+07 CE Geog Pastpaper)

Bio Pastpaper
1987~98 MC questions(paper 2)
2001~2007 CE paper 1+2

CANOTTA Certificate Mathematics exercises (with detail ans.) $200
*they are quite helpful if your maths is not so good!

Englich Grammer in Use (+Supplementary Exercises) $80
Option reading and writing 5 $60
Mathematics MC exercise (notes & examples & solutions 90% new) $70
Exploring Mathematics workbook $45


啟思中文書 每本$70(+$20多本語文錦囊)


Maths 書$85本(+$15 多本maths workbook)

Maths workbook $30本

CIT core module 1,2 $200
CIT moduleD 1,2 $140
**with extra notes!! :D

Biology 1,2,3 (a set=$240)

Geography 1,2,3 (A set=$360)

History Theme A+B (A set=$180)

F1~3 Maths (1A1B2A2B3A3B, with activity books)

Journey Through History ARISTO Second Edition 2,3 $50本

中國歷史3 現代教育研究社 2004修訂版 $40本

有意請留下MSN/EMAIL!! THX!!**

**come to have a look ---> www.xanga.com/cinnamoroll302003
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