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標題: ELF必須讀的一篇文章-也請轉貼
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  只顯示 Elf. 的帖子
發表於 2010-5-26 08:52 PM  資料  短消息  加為好友 

轉自Facebook ~Super Junior are much better than Justin Bieber~

沒有特意去找百度原文 所以又把他翻成中文了 大家看完也請用力轉貼吧 >"<

ELF’s Must Read!!

An ELF Post on Baidu and i decided to translate it cos it’s quite true…
I really hope everyone will pass this message.
This is not for entertainment.
Now, we need to pass this important stage.
Eunhyuk said ” Without ELF’s support, our 4th album will not be produced”
銀赫說"沒有ELF的支持 我們的4輯不會發行"
That’s real, because the 3rd album was popular around Asia.
So, that’s why SM entertainment dares to release an album with 3 missing members.
But, if the 4th album dosen’t do well, then there won’t be a 5th album.
但如果四輯沒有大賣 將不會有5輯
Now, Kangin is going to the army.
Leeteuk and Heechul may go to the army end of next year.
Because, the members are getting older thats why they need to go to the army.
So, if we want an album with all 13 members, it will be around 5 or 6 years later.
所以假使我們想要13個人的新專輯 將會要在5或6年後
And how long can a boy band last?
Even if we wait, but what if the 4th album is not successful, will SMentertainment even allow Super Junior with all 13 members to releaseanother album?
And let’s think, at that time, the oldest member will be over 30 years old.
想想到那個時候 最大的成員會超過30歲
Becoming a boy band, is it still possible?
SM entertainment is not dumb, even if they care about Super Junior, they won’t even take this risk.
SM工廠不是白癡,即使SM在乎Super Junior 他們仍舊不會冒賠錢的風險
Really, if the 4th album is not successful, there will not be any 5th album.
說真的 如果4輯沒有成功 將不會有5輯
Is this what you (ELF’s) want to see?
So, everyone please do your best, go for it!
So, everyone please buy their album, listen to their songs online.
所以請每個人買4輯 刷音源
This is really an important issue!
PS: Please pass this message around to all the ELF’s around you, let them know about this.
請將這個訊息轉達給所有妳身邊的ELF 讓她們知道

Cr: sty if (Baidu)
Translated by: [S]

Support SUPER JUNIOR !!...LET 4th ALBUM BE A BLAST FOR THEM !! ♥ Creator 최은미 (Choi Eun Mi A.K.A. Even)

2年而且 金希澈 我等得起

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