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標題: we dance on- N-dubz
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發表於 2012-7-12 02:22 PM  資料  短消息  加為好友 
we dance on- N-dubz

Na na naii

Watch me while I stand here
Watch my feet, my stance, my body language
I'm not someone to be messed with
I'm a fox on a mission
You know you're challenging the best here
It's gonna be real hard
But I'm gonna be okay
As long as I try real hard
I'm always gonna find my way
I'ma find my way

I'ma stand up like a soldier
I'ma get them 'til it's over
I'll keep marching to the beat
'til there's bruises on my feet
Now I'm falling to my knees

'Cause I'm gonna take this all the way
It's now or never
I'll break what's in my way
I'ma stand up like a soldier
Tonight I'm gonna take over

'Cause I know everything's gonna be alright
Now you're standing her right by my side
And we dance on, dance on, we gonna dance on
Ain't gonna work for life when we know we can dance on
Everything's gonna be okay
The streets will lighten up my way
So we dance on, dance on, we gonna dance on
Ain't gonna work for life when we know we can dance on

Not in a million years
Did I think my feet would bring me this far
So much frustration, sleepless nights
Now that I'm in charge
At first no one gave me the time of day
Now I'm left on my own to show the way
My sisters, brothers from other mothers
Can we take this all the way

Could of kicked us to the curb
These days are so hard to get heard
We gonna stand up like a solder
Get everything we deserve (trust)
At first everyone was cautious
When we brought in something new
But after weeks of practicing
We knew exactly what to do

I'ma stand up like a soldier
I'ma get them 'til it's over
I'll keep marching to the beat
'til there's bruises on my feet
Now I'm falling to my knees

'Cause I'm gonna take this all the way
It's now or never
I'll break what's in my way
I'ma stand up like a soldier
Tonight I'm gonna take over

'Cause I know everything's gonna be alright
Now you're standing her right at my side
And we dance on, dance on, we gonna dance on
Ain't gonna work for life when we know we can dance on
Everything's gonna be okay
The streets will lighten up my way
So we dance on, dance on, we gonna dance on
Ain't gonna work for life when we know we can dance on
'Cause I know everything's gonna be alright
Now you're standing her right at my side
And we dance on, dance on, we gonna dance on
Ain't gonna work for life when we know we can dance on
Everything's gonna be okay
The streets will lighten up my way
So we dance on, dance on, we gonna dance on
Ain't gonna work for life when we know we can dance on

[ 本帖最後由 緲雨 於 2012-7-12 02:31 PM 編輯 ]

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